Sunday, December 11, 2011

Constitutional expert: Here's what 'natural born citizen' means By Bob Unruh © 2011 WND

 There are those who dislike Obama's policies and just want him out of office. There are those who like the socialism he's been working to install in the U.S. and probably will vote for him again. And there are those who have done some research and say the simple logic of the facts regarding Obama confirms he's not eligible under the Constitution's requirements for a person to be president.

But the concept of a constitionally qualified "natural born citizen," when it's been used interchangeably with so many other words like "citizen" and "native-born citizen," remains an enigma to some.
Now comes a constitutional scholar to put it in simple phrases and make it clear.
Freshly updated! Find out what Obama's story truly is, in "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?" by Jerome Corsi.
The evaluation of the meaning of "natural born citizen" in the Constitution comes from Dr. Herbert W. Titus, of counsel to the law firm William J. Olson.
He previously taught constitutional law, common law and other subjects for 30 years at five different American Bar Association-approved law schools. From 1986 to 1993 he was the founding dean of the College of Law and Government at Regent University.
And before that, he was a trial attorney and special assistant U.S. attorney with the Department of Justice.
His degrees are from Harvard and the University of Oregon, and he's admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, appellate courts in the 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and other districts. His practice has taken him into courts more than a dozen different states.
His perspective: Constitutional expert: Here's what 'natural born citizen' means

He explains that much of the discussion of citizenship, and the 14th Amendment, essentially can be ignored in this argument, in a video from "'Natural born citizen' in relation to the office of president, and whether someone is eligible, was in the Constitution from the very beginning," he said. "Another way of putting it: There is a law of the nature of citizenship. If you are a natural born citizen, you are a citizen according to the law of nature, not according to any positive statement in a Constitution or in a statute, but because of the very nature of your birth and the very nature of nations."

If you "go back and look at what the law of nature would be or would require … that's precisely what a natural born citizen is …. is one who is born to a father and mother each of whom is a citizen of the U.S. or whatever other country..."
"Now what we've learned from the Hawaii birth certificate is that Mr. Obama's father was not a citizen of the United States. His mother was, but he doesn't qualify as a natural born citizen for the office of president."
There have been allegations since long before Obama's election in 2008 that he is not a "natural-born citizen," a requirement imposed by the Constitution on no other official.
Obama's critics believe that at the time the Constitution was written, the founders agree with Titus, and understood "natural-born citizen" to mean the offspring of two citizens.
Obama has claimed he was born in Hawaii, but birth documentation he's released has been judged by a number of document, imaging and graphics experts to be fake.
Others believe he would fail to qualify no matter his place of birth, because his father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of Obama Jr.'s birth. They allege the founders precluded dual citizens by specifically demanding a "natural-born citizen."
The Hawaii birth documentation image that was released by Obama and described by the White House as "proof positive" of Obama's Hawaiian birth:

Black Community Activist Sues Racist Political Party by:Zilla of the Resistance

Wayne Perryman, a black minister, and community activist, has filed a legal brief for a class action lawsuit, against one of the two major political parties in the United States, for its long history of racism and discrimination.
The plaintiffs, who refer to the defendants as the “Father of Racism,” allege that as an organization, the Democratic Party has consistently refused to apologize for the role they played in slavery, Jim Crow and for other subsequent racist practices from 1792 to 2011. Mrs. Frances P. Rice, the Chair of the National Black Republican Association is also a named plaintiff in the class action lawsuit.

The case cites the collective work of over 350 legal scholars and includes Congressional records, case law, research from our nation's top history professors, racist statements from Democratic elected officials, citations from the Democrat's National Platforms regarding their support of slavery, excepts of speeches from Senator Obama, individual testimonies from blacks who lived in the Jim Crow South and opinions from the NAACP.

Perryman said President Obama was named as a defendant not only because he is the official leader of the Democratic Party, but because of certain statements he made about his own party in his book, Dreams from My Father. In 2009, the President was asked to issue an apology to blacks on behalf of his party, but he refused. Unlike other reparations lawsuits, this lawsuit merely asks for a public apology, but no monetary damages.

In the 40-page brief, Rev. Perryman tells the court that the Democratic Party, (the party that is quick to call the Tea Party and Republicans racist), is the same party that refuses to confess and/or acknowledge (in public and on their website) that they are the party that supported the institution that packed millions of black men, women and children in the deep dark hulls of slave ships with just barely enough food and water to keep them alive, and forced them to lie in their own urine, feces, and vomit for the duration of a long trip across the Atlantic. And after arriving in America, it was the members of their party that forced these poor souls to work from sunup to sundown for the next 70 years and never paid them one dime. And when the black victims were fortunate enough to escape, it was the Democratic Party that passed Fugitive Slave laws to return them to their brutal slave masters. When their inhumane institution of slavery was challenged by the opposing party, Democrats countered by placing threats in their political platforms (1844-1856), - threatening anyone who dared to interfere with what they called, “the sectional issue of Domestic Slavery.” On May 21, 1856, they carried out their threats when they attacked their opposition, Senator Charles Sumner with a walking cane on the Senate floor and when they attacked with guns, freed blacks and abolitionists on the streets of Lawrence, Kansas. Six years later, Democrats called themselves 'Confederates” and went to war killing thousands to defend and protect their racist institution of slavery. After losing the war, they fought against constitutional amendments and civil rights legislation for blacks, and chose instead to form terrorist organizations, legislate Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws and support every landmark case that was designed to deny blacks their constitutional rights including the Slaughterhouse Case, Plessy v Ferguson, the Civil Rights Cases of 1881 to overturn the 1875 Civil Rights Act, and Brown v. the Board of Education. While many of these cases were pending, Democrats proudly adopted the name “The Party of White Supremacy” and committed every inhumane violent act known to mankind (from 1867 to 1977) to keep blacks in “their place.” And to add insult to injury, after killing millions of blacks through their racist institutions, they hired powerful attorneys to keep this information from blacks and to avoid apologizing to blacks.

Perryman said, “Any organization that has such a racist history and receives 97% of the African American vote (after doing all they could to deny blacks the right to vote), should willingly apologize without being forced do so through a lawsuit. He said, “I guess they feel they have nothing to apologize for.” Perryman went on to say that he is “convinced that Democrats will only apologize if the media, or the courts (with public pressure) will force them to do so. The man who authored the book: The Audacity of Hope, now has the “audacity” to refuse to apologize for his political party and their racist institutions, that took the lives of millions of his own people.  MORE HERE
Reverend Wayne Perryman is the author of the book, Whites, Blacks, and Racist Democrats.

The National Black Republican Association is petitioning Obama to issue a formal proclamation of apology for the Democratic party's history of racism.
President Obama, Can You Spare A Proclamation
The National Black Republican Association has issued a petition to Barack Hussein Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party, requesting that Obama issue a formal proclamation of apology for the Democratic Party's 150-year history of racism.
We recognize that this is likely too much to ask of the oh so "racially sensitive" Democrats who want us to ignore their racist past and failed socialism that have caused so much harm to black Americans.  So we will not hold our breath waiting for their response. READ THE PETITION HERE
The Democrats have always been the party of racism and discrimination, contrary to their propaganda about "racist Republicans", which is nothing more than projection, and the Democrats' false narrative that they are champions of Civil Rights despite the fact that it was Republicans who fought for them and the Democrats who fought against them. (See The Democrat Race Lie at Black & Right)

Perhaps Herman Cain should join the lawsuit as well. Via Kevin Jackson at The Black Sphere:
You won’t hear any report of this, but Democrats partied like rock stars on Saturday night, December 3, 2011. Behind closed doors all over the country, Democrats celebrated December 3, 2011 like it was the election of Barack Hussein Obama all over again. It was not the ascension of a half-black man that was the cause of Democrat’s exuberance, but instead was the demise of a full black man.

For Democrats all is good in the world, as the Republican Party is ALL white again.

Just in the nick of time, too.  There are Democrat strategists high-fiving each other, saying “Whew, that was CLOSE!”

They’re right. Cain almost got away. The black Conservative who escaped beyond the plantation’s alligator-infested boundary to spread his message of American exceptionalism across the countryside had to be stopped.  Had Cain not been stopped, he might have infected other blacks with that crazy talk. Imagine a world where black zombies were muttering 9-9-9 all the time.

Luckily Democrats were able to do what they always do when a black man not of their choosing aims too high.  Democrats turned on the water cannons and unleashed the dogs. Female dogs. I believe the technical term is bitches.

No need to rehash how Democrats used white women and ultimately a white woman named White to bring down the accomplished black man with the biblical name. What’s important to know is that they accomplished it. Democrats are just repeating history, again openly oppressing blacks as Democrats did back in the day.

I say openly, because new millennium Democrats have evolved their oppression of blacks.  They are clever in that they now oppress blacks without making it appear that they are oppressing blacks, then blame Republicans. Genius, when you think about it.

Nevertheless, Democrat tactics remain the same.  Make examples of a few uppity blacks, which serves to keep other blacks in check.  It doesn’t take many lynchings to make a point.

Back in the day, all it took for a black man to be hung by deranged Democrats was for the black man to simply look at a white woman.  Black men were to walk with their heads down when approaching a white woman, and don’t dare speak to one.

The Democrats didn’t have to kill Cain. They could have just knocked him off his high horse, as they did with the first few white women.  His numbers had slipped enough, his reputation sullied so that he stood little chance of being the first full black president.  Instead however the Democrats knew it was necessary to destroy Cain, to kill his dreams and aspirations.

Democrats have been killing black people’s dreams for decades, including the most iconic dream of Dr. Martin Luther King.  King’s dream of being measured by the content of one’s character is as dead as disco.  It’s about color, stupid…period.   You’re black, ergo you’re a victim. Anybody trying to tell you otherwise, well is being uppity.   READ THE WHOLE THING

But according to the "smart people" in the mainstream media, all of the awful things the Democrats have done and continue to do is, of course, not racist, but if you think the federal government should be smaller and less intrusive in people's lives, you are totally a racist. That's because the MSM is racist.

Obama’s America, A Place Divided by: just a conservative girl

I sincerely don’t like calling the president a communist, a traitor, or any of the other names that some have come up with about him.  I figure he can’t possibly be all the things he is accused of being.  I don’t agree with his vision of what this country is.  I also feel that it is important to have dialogue, otherwise things will never change.  
But I have reached a point that it can no longer be denied.  The man is a socialist.  He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted fundamentally change America (not that I thought he was kidding, I just am surprised by the speed).  He and his minions are doing so much harm to this country, that we are truly reaching a breaking point.  
We were attacked by Muslim terrorists more than 10 years ago.  Very few people in the country deny that.  Since that time we have been unable to have an honest dialogue of what happened on that fateful day.  Let alone on the days since when we have had other attempted and successful attacks.  One such day was November 5, 2009 and it took place in Fort Hood Texas.  A Muslim man who was corresponding over the internet with known terrorists walked onto his military base with a gun, started yelling Allah Akbar and killed 13 people and injured 29 more.  He carried a business card with the initials SOA (Soldiers of Allah) commonly used by Muslim terrorists.  Today we are told again, that this man committed an act of workplace violence not an act of terrorism.  He is just some guy who shot up an Army base.  The reasons for it all point to terrorism, but we can’t call it that.  
There are people in this country who feel very strongly about the threats of terrorism in this country.  Who honestly believe that Islam is a danger to our way of life and to the Western world.  By telling us that we can’t call what Hassan did an act of terrorism all they are accomplishing is further fueling that fire with more distrust.  
Today Congresswoman Barbara Lee stood up on the floor of the House of Representatives and said that the GOP is trying to deny blacks the right to vote. Why?  Because we want people to show ID when they vote.  People have to show ID to get on airplane, cash a check, to have a job, open a bank account, enter many federal buildings, in many states to collect welfare or food stamps, to pick up a registered letter at the post office, and to collect unemployment.  But the simple act of wanting to add voting to that list makes me a racist.  Why?  Because they say so.  There is no proof that in the states that already require that ID be shown (I live in one) that minority voters are suppressed.  But that doesn’t stop them.  

“Having been born and raised in Texas, this certainly looks like a poll tax to me, which those of us remember as a way to prevent African Americans from voting. These voter ID laws have a partisan agenda: seeking to disenfranchise and deny specific populations of voters before they have the opportunity to elect their representatives in government.”She also said the laws are meant to change election outcomes by “turning the clock back to the days of Jim Crow.”

 Because I want free and fair elections, I am racist.  The NAACP has gone as far as to petition the United Nations saying there is an effort to suppress minority votes.  No, we are trying to have only the people who are qualified to vote voting and get rid of voter fraud.  
Here is Obama talking about Capitalism
It fits well on a bumper sticker. Here’s the problem: It doesn’t work. It’s never worked. It didn’t work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It’s not what led to the incredible post-war boom of the 50s and 60s. And it didn’t work when we tried it during the last decade.
.  What he doesn’t seem to understand is that when the likes of Barney Franks and Chris Dodd meddled in the way banks gave mortgages it is no longer free market or capitalism.  It isn’t capitalism that failed.  It was the government interference in said capitalism that failed.  Before the Community Reinvestment Act you couldn’t get a mortgage unless you had a good paying job, a healthy down payment, and a good credit score.  It wasn’t the market that changed that.  It was people like Acorn saying things like home ownership is a right.  It was people like former President Carter who thought it was a good idea for the banks to lower the standards.  Now, had we kept with the original intent of the CRA, we may not have had these problems.  The original intent was to stop banks from turning down otherwise qualified candidate simply based on the zip code of where the home was being purchased.  They were predominantly lower-income areas and predominately minority applicants.  But, the left got greedy and forced more and more banks to make risky loans.  There is no denying that there was money to be made when they were bundled and that was taken advantaged of.  But the reality is that it wasn’t the greedy capitalist that started down the slope of giving risky mortgages.  They forced down that slope.  Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are directly responsible for the financial mess we find ourselves in today.  The Bush administration asked the congress to look at the worthiness of Sallie and Freddie.  Barney Frank who was having a sexual relationship with someone at Frannie refused to do it and publicly stated over and over again that Freddie and Fannie were perfectly fine.  He belongs in jail.  
 But the Obama administration feel that they can use to stoke the fires in this country.  The left use the word racism at the drop of a hat to describe anyone that doesn’t feel that this country is going in the right direction. Which is almost two-thirds of the country as this point.  So I guess some democrats are racists too.  We are living in a time when our own government is seeking to divide us more and more.  They do this to gain more power for themselves by not allowing rational discussion of the real issues we are facing in this country.  The mounting debt that is quickly becoming insurmountable and could topple this economy once and for all.  
Has this man read a history book?  Capitalism is exactly what led to the boom of the 50′s and 60′s and allowed the middle class to flourish.  Allowed them to buy homes, to purchases cars, and to move to the suburbs.  This entire country was founded upon capitalism.  Capitalism, with all of its faults, has made our middle class grow.  Back in the day we were a nation of land owners and the rest of the peons.  The Gold Rush, the oil boom, the industrial era allowed this country to become what it is today.  While we had our share of robber barons, and greedy people, it did trickle down to the rest of us.  We have all benefited from the capitalistic nature of this country.  Even our poor are very rich when you compare to the rest of the world’s poor.  We have the most vibrant economy in the world, and if we just leave it alone it will make the proper corrections so the next Bill Gates and Steve Jobs will come along reinvent the way we live our lives and provide millions of jobs as well some great little gadgets.  
Pick up a damn history book Mr. President and get your head out of your ass.  We are not Europe. We don’t have, nor do we want, a stagnant economy for the long-term.  For for the love of Pete, please stop stoking the fires of discontent in this country.  We need to stand together to solve our problems. 
Is it election day yet?  

Obama's America, A Place Divided