Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear Media People Who Continue To Miss The Point Of #iamthe53..

The #iamthe53 movement was not created to berate, belittle, or shame people who don't pay federal income taxes thanks to credits, deductions, or having too low of an income. The #iamthe53 movement exists to call attention to the fact that we have an ever-expanding government and too few people paying for it. Every time a Democrat or leftist calls for more government spending to solve this or that societal ill, somebody in the 53% has to pay for it. #iamthe53 is more of a call to reduce government's role in our lives than some mechanism used to divide people among class and income lines. We'll leave that to the dirty hippies on Wall Street pretending to represent 'the 99%.'
Please do your research. It would be a refreshing change.
Here's how to participate in #iamthe53:!/search/%23iamthe53

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